HorseSmart offers you Collections of top equestrian brands like Tolga Saddlery, Tolga Bridles, Deniro Riding Boots, Riding Tall Boots, Wildkart Horse 'Jin' Stirrups, Las Equestrian Riding Helmets, Kinglsland Jackets, Dimacci Equestrian Jewelry, Leovet Horse Health Care, Sarm Hippique Show Coats and Show Shirts, Urad Leather Care, Wilker's Saddle Pads, StableMates Horse Grooming, SaddleRight Orthopedic Pads, Pharmaka Horse Products, Neumann Riding Gloves, Le Fash Show Shirts, Gersemi Equine Fashion, Hawthorne Horse Products, Finish Line Horse Products, Equifit Horse Boots, Equifit Horse Products, Equerry Horse Brushes, Edward Goddard Whips, Davis Horse Boots, Andis Horse Clippers. If you are looking for Show attire, we have the full Le Fash and Sarm Hiippique lines of shirts as well as show jackets at great price points. Equestrian footwear premier brands like Deniro Boots affordable footwear and the the perfect riding boots for you.
HorseSmart Tack and Apparel has all your needs for the lady, man & young rider. Enjoy your shopping with us.
Welcome to HorseSmart International, Canada’s leading distributor of quality equestrian horse tack supplies and equestrian equipment.
That has a European flare and feel.
HorseSmart International is a privately owned Canadian company located in Concord, Ontario.
Our equestrian tack supply business was established to offer retailers quality European equestrian horse products at competitive rates with rewarding results.Our exclusive lines such as Tolga Saddlery, Las Helmets and eyewear, DeNiro Riding boots and Sarm Hippique equestrian show gear, offers unique appeal to today’s equestrian horse rider.With no minimum order required, and comprehensive return on investment, HorseSmart International makes it easy for equestrian retailers’ to provide thier equestrian tack customers with quality equestrian products and superior service across Canada. HorseSmart International will continue to offer equestrian retailers new trends to add value to your equestrian tack product lines and continue to be forward thinking and innovative for all our equestrian distributors. Visit us on-line today! at you will “feel the difference”
750 Millway Ave. Unit 4 Concord, ON. L4K 3T7 905-738-0646
Copyright 2009 HorseSmart International "Horse Tack Wholesalers' All-Rights Reserved